N-COUNT (预防不测的)保障措施,安全网 A safety net is something that you can rely on to help you if you get into a difficult situation.
Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers. 对于低收入工人来说,福利救济是唯一真正有效的保障措施。
(马戏团的)安全网,保护网 In a circus, a safety net is a large net that is placed below performers on a high wire or trapeze in order to catch them and prevent them being injured if they fall off.
Until, that is, the Paulson plan was re-described as a safety net for Wall Street plutocrats. 但到人们把保尔森纾困方案解读成华尔街财阀的安全网,情况就不一样了。
Social security has provided a safety net that has provided dignity and peace of mind for millions of Americans in their retirement. 社会保障为千百万退休的美国人提供了一个安全网,从而也为他们提供了尊严和安定感。
There is a small safety net to cover the very poor and the very sick. 新加坡还有一张覆盖了最贫困和得重病人群的小安全网。
So it needs to increase its use of natural gas and alternatives to provide a safety net for energy security. 因此,中国需要加大对天然气和替代能源的利用,为能源安全提供保障。
Contractor shall ensure that a proper safety net system shall be used at appropriate locations. 承包商应确保合适地点使用正确的安全网系统。
It is a sort of purification of the soul on the individual level, a cure against miserliness, and a social safety net. 它是一种对个人的灵魂净化,治愈吝啬和贪得无厌,和构建一个社会安全网。
And in life, there is no safety net. 人生,没有给你安全的保证。
The benefits system provides a safety net for those in real need. 这一救济金系统为那些真正需要的人提供了一个安全保障体系。
China, after all, has pressing needs to spend on education, health and a social safety net. 毕竟,中国亟需在教育、医疗及社会保障网络上进行投入。
Funds have also gone to social safety net programs such as feeding school children and pregnant and lactating women. 资金还流入了社会安全网方案,如为入学儿童以及孕妇和哺乳妇女提供食品。
China lacks a welfare safety net and savings rates are high to pay for unforeseen healthcare and education costs. 中国缺乏社保福利体系,储蓄率居高不下,因为人们要准备支付意外的医疗和教育开支。
And if they lose their safety net? 要是他们没了这个安全网?
Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Stock Market Crisis and the Financial Safety Net 股市危机及安全网的理论和经验研究
The fund is our safety net if anything should go wrong. 一旦出了问题,基金就是我们的安全保证。
China, for example, was able to weather the disruptions* rural safety net. 比如,中国由于有最小化的农村安全网,因此,在20世纪80年代和90年代发生的一场更加激烈的全球同化过程中,能够经受住整改中的分裂和艰难。
Investment in education and research and a strong safety net can lead to a more productive and competitive economy. 教育与科研投资以及强大的社会保障网络,可以催生生产率更高、更具竞争力的经济体。
Expansion of unemployment insurance will strengthen the safety net. 失业保险的扩大,将强化社会保险体系。
So I was his safety net. 我是他的安全网的部分。
Thus most people still have private pensions, but the government has added a safety net. 因此,大多数人仍拥有私人养老金,但政府已增加了一道安全网。